Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Concepts of Personhood

Something that I will need todeal with in this project is bonhoeffer's concept of personhood as outlined in SC. Having just read the chapter the first time, here are my initial reflections. Bonhoeffer understands personhood not in some kind of ontic essence, but rather argues that 'the Christian person alone exists in ever renewed coming-into-being'. (SC 57.) he sets his position in opposition to that of the idealists (Kant et al), who argue that Personhood is derived by an act of self establishing, as they come into contact with an ethical barrier, are aware of what try ought to do, and then act appropriately.
For Bonhoeffer, this is not the case. He sees personhood established when the 'I' encounters a 'you', ultimately the divine 'you', who ultimately does not 'encounter the person as You but 'enters into' the person as I'. This is an act of God by revelation.

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